Hi folks

Due to someone using my bank information fraudulently I have closed the account and opened a new one .  However I am only giving the details to existing clients that I know very well.  Everyone else I ask that you use one of the following methods, thank you:

Booking Procedures:

I ask for an initial £30 application/phone fee paid up front (it comes off your final balance, if booking a session within a 6 week period) Deposits in order of preference below:

  1. via My Revolut @mhrtherapy (you do not have to have a Revolut account, you can send via your own bank account https://www.revolut.com/
  2.  https://www.tipfunder.com/MsHelenRyder
  3. Amazon Gift Code to helen-ryder@hotmail.com (bought online or from supermarkets, I require the code off the scratch off panel)

Do not ask Me for any other form of payment! I DO NOT USE PAYPAL, never have and never will!

My full booking blog terms and conditions below.  It’s quite sad that I have had to enforce these but the world has changed greatly since I first started out as a Professional Dominatrix, there didn’t used to be the high level of time wasters that exist today.  The strict deposit and booking procedures are becoming the new normal for all ladies that work in this industry.

Update that I have had to create an Instagram account purely so that I can make people aware of the fraud scammer account whose stolen my images (even water marked copyright ones)  from My X/Twitter account. This is My Insta https://www.instagram.com/therealmistresshelenryder/

Please do not message Me on Instagram as I will not reply.

and this is the scammer https://www.instagram.com/ms_helenryder/

I have reported them many times but nothing has been done as yet.  Feel free to waste that persons time as much as you wish!


Booking Procedures and Deposit Information

Kinky regards

Mistress Helen