To help some of My regs that book flights to come and visit for their playtimes as well as all other enquiries, I have current availability on these dates: 12th to 17th May at a variety of times, email over your interests and preferred timings, we can arrange a short 5 min chat so we have spoken and have you booked in, then you pay the deposit within *X hours of our chat, enabling you to arrange another chat closer to the date of your playtime if desired.  I require a minimum 24hrs notice for My Burgess Hill play space and 48 to 72 hours plus if you wish a playtime at either The Brighton Dungeon or Gatwick Dungeon.  I only offer same day appointments to trusted regs (deposit still taken) or those with a holding deposit already in place with two hours notice after agreement to see you.

*X hours, I will specify this in Our chat

🎁**Gifting: This is always lovely and appreciated, Tips, gift codes for Amazon/Etsy and My fave perfume at present is Do Son by Dipytique and they have a beautiful scented soap and other items in this gorgeous fragrance I will add their official site link, they also sell in major department stores John Lewis/Fenwicks/Selfridges etc.  My Birthday is 24th August  Do Son Collection (

I am not available between these dates: 18th to 23rd May

I have availability from 24th May to 17th June

I am not available between 18th June to 27th June

I am available from 28th June to 15th July

Not available 16th to 18th July

Available from 19th July to 5th August

Not available 6th/7th August

Available 8th  to 10th August

Not available 11th to 15th August 

Available 16th to 19th August

Not available 20th to 25th August

Available from 26th August to 1st September I think that will do for now and help you plan your spankings and all sorts of wonderful kink BDSM play over the next few months 👌